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Coaching and Healing

PouwerHealth healing and coaching


As you might have read under the header 'About Marieke Pouw', I was able to heal myself from reumathism, severe skin rashes, burn-out (heavy depression) and other physical and mental complaints and made a complete transition from Scientist and Pharmacist to Energetic Consciousness Therapist and Coach. Furthermore I got to completely re-member who I truly am, what I came to do on this earth and what my talents and powers are.


It is my belief that everyone could live a more happier and free life by making small adjustments. Often our limitations are in the way we look at things and by rewiring these beliefs, you can experience life with more ease and fun. 

To me, coaching and healing go together, because EVERYTHING has to do with the expansion of your awareness, taking charge with your body and your life and taking responsibility for the changes needed. 

This goes for relationships, friendships, work, food, but most of all for all the thoughts we have all day long, both consciously and unconsciously. I help you to find your own power in every aspect of your life: emotionally, physically and mentally!

My mission is to get you back in touch with your true Self! I look forward to guiding you on your path. 

Healing Session online

With an online Pouwersession we meet online through the program Zoom (free download at In this program we can see each other, communicate freely and I record each session, so you will be able to listen to it again, to have the session sink in deeper into your unconscious. 

You point out what you would like to receive in the session, what bothers you or what you would like to change in your life. 

Sometimes you do not know exactly what you want, but you just feel drawn to PouwerHealth. This is oftentimes your Higher Self that knows I can convey the message from your subconscious to you and this way clear the blockages. 

In order to do this I often have contact with your team (ancestors, angels, elementals, etc.)

who know really well where these blockages are and what you can do to let those go. 

I am in service of your soul, so you can see it as a healing from your Higher Self. I am just the conduit and pass on the messages that may enter your consciousness. 

Because I am abroad a lot doing grid work for Mother Earth, you will get your healing from power places with amazing energy. 

A remote healing is something you can receive from home, there is nothing you have to do. 

I tune in to your energyfield and clear out stuck energy and balance out your energyfield. 

From Mother Earth I bring in healing energy to revitalise and up your frequency. This has the added value that your physical body and nervous more quickly can process the shifting of consciousness.

Coaching and Healing

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